Advanced Painting
(Portfolio and Professional Practice)
"Creative Residency: Advanced Studio Practice"
Course Description:
Welcome to "Creative Residency," an advanced painting course where you’ll step into the role of an Artist in Residence, crafting a cohesive body of work that reflects your unique vision. This is your chance to break free from traditional assignments and develop a project entirely your own—guided by your project proposal and timeline, with support from your instructor and peers.
As an artist in this immersive studio environment, you’ll collaborate with your classmates, sharing ideas, skills, and resources to push your practice forward. Together, we’ll foster a vibrant creative community, offering critical feedback and engaging in thought-provoking discussions during studio time and critiques.
By the end of the semester, you’ll have developed a comprehensive portfolio that includes a project statement, timeline, artist statement, detailed annotations, and, of course, your finished body of work. Your workspace is wherever you find inspiration—whether it’s your studio, kitchen, public spaces, or even online platforms.
This course is designed for those ready to dive deep into their artistic practice, explore new concepts, and expand their understanding of how contemporary artists use painting as both a primary and supplementary medium. Most importantly, it’s a space to create, collaborate, and grow as an artist within a supportive and challenging environment. Welcome to your residency!
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